Jumat, 12 Februari 2021

4GB HD Waterproof Spy Watch Camera 1280 x 960 30 Fps

This spy watch camera supports voice and video recording, picture shooting, and has waterproof function even under 30 meters. Easy to operate and beauty appearance not only to be a watch in daily life but also a spy watch, so it is a multifunction choice to you.

If one is looking for a spy camera and wants the best bargain in the market then 4GB HD Waterproof Spy Watch Camera 1280 x 960 30 Fps is the one that one should spend money in order to get the maximum satisfaction. It has a wide range of features that makes it so demanding among many others available. This spy watch has special features such as the video recording and voice recording system. Its waterproof feature up to a distance of 30 meters is one of the most attractive features of the watch. Apart from that, the best part of this watch is that it can be used for regular wear. It is not that one has to use this watch only when one is working or spying. It can be used daily as well.
For a new comer, he has to read the manual thoroughly before operating the spy camera. After the camera is switched on, it is in the standby mode. One has to press the button when the blue light is seen. The flashing of the blue light confirms that the photograph has been taken. Similarly, the watch has the video recording system with the help of which one can shoot live videos. When the watch camera is in the video mode, then the camera goes into the stand by mode. Once the red light shows, it means that the camera is ready for the video shoot. Then one has to press the button for shooting. The flashing of the red light is like a confirmation of the fact that the video shooting process has started. The indicator light then goes off in spite of the camera being in the recording mode, the button needs to be pressed again if one has to stop the recording process.BR Check the 4GB spy watch camera from httpwww.chinabuye.com4gbhdwaterproofspywatchcamera1280x96030fps
30 fps is the video frame rate. The camera has the capacity to support many OS like Windows XP, MAC Os, Windows Vista, Windows ME20002003 and Linux. The working time is about 70 minutes and the capacity of the battery is about 200 Mh. The charging voltage that it requires is DC 5V. The interface type that it uses is 2.5 4Pin USB. Lithium Polymer NAND Flash aids in the storage capacity. Overall, this is a highly useful watch with multiple features. When it comes to work as a spy watch, nothing can serve better than 4GB HD Waterproof Spy Watch Camera 1280 x 960 30 Fps.BR If you need know more surveillance gadgets please come to httpwww.chinabuye.comcheapelectronicssecurityequipments

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